關於百家樂的由來,其實有非常多的流傳種版本,其中比較多數人知道的是:在15世紀的義大利,距今約500多年前,當時在佛羅倫斯有一位名叫 Felix Falguierein 的義大利賭徒,他發明了一款遊戲叫做百家樂(baccarat),該名稱是零的意思,因為進十位數字的牌都計算為零分。 後來,16世紀的時候,百家樂因為英法戰爭的關係傳入了法國,剛開始是士兵在遊玩,後來逐漸在法國貴族間流行;到了18、19世紀,百家樂遊戲已經流傳到歐美各個國家;最後是在20世紀時,由港澳賭聖――葉漢,將百家樂遊戲引進到澳門賭場,至此,逐漸開始影響亞洲各地的賭場。 至今,百家樂已經是世界上最受歡迎的博奕遊戲之一,許多線上娛樂城也紛紛推出各種的百家樂玩法、真人荷官在線陪玩等,讓玩家在線上也能享受到實體賭場的樂趣。
Most origin legends concerning Baccarat name Italy as its birth place. Baccara is said to mean “zero” in Italian (though this is not actually true). A card game called Tarrochi was one of the first Italian card games documented during the 1300’s.( )
The dealer then deals out the cards face up—two each for the player and banker—and whichever hand totals closest to nine wins. If you’ve bet on the player hand and it has the closest to nine, the winnings are simply double what you bet.
If you’ve bet on the banker hand and it wins, it pays 95 percent of your wager.When the cards dealt are greater than nine, you have to add the two together and drop the one (or two) to get the value.
For example, a hand of nine and seven cards dealt would add up to 16, and with the first digit dropped, the value in the game is six. ( )