Before the cards are drawn, each player places a bet to the banker. Each person arranges the thirteen cards into three sections, called the head, middle and tail. There are three at the head, five at the middle and at the end. The first trick must be smaller than the second trick, and the second trick must be smaller than or equal to the third trick, otherwise it will be “watered down”. Anyone who “pours water” will be fully compensated. Since there are only three cards on the head, it does not count straight or flush. It can only be a trick, a pair or a trip(引文)
Shooting: When a player’s combination of first, middle and last tricks all wins against another player’s, the basic bet is doubled. For this reason, “gun” is also used as a synonym for “rejection”. Home run (when the first trick, middle trick, and last trick in the Home Run combination all win against all players on the field, in addition to doubling the basic bets obtained by each player in “shooting”, the basic bet won at this time is doubled again.(引文)